Welcome to It's All About the Music. Home to music lessons in Watertown, South Dakota and virtual lessons nationwide.
Music is among the most powerful forces in our lives. It allows expression beyond the spoken word. Music affects how we see our days; how we feel about one another; how we deal with victory and loss. Science now tells us that the human brain develops more fully when exposed to music, and that we use more of our brains when reading and performing music than perhaps at any other time. Certainly our experiences tell us that music is good for the soul. Music elevates, expands, tightly defines and loosely suggests perceiving something deeper in our world. Imagine, for example, a movie without a soundtrack. Now imagine your life with one.
At It's All About the Music, we help students learn to bring music into their lives for these reasons and more. This is not a "one size fits all" approach to music. Each of our students is unique, and while we all begin at square one, how music will best enhance the life of each new musician is an essential factor continually pursued and implemented into our curriculum.
Learning to play a musical instrument gives us a life-long "companion" through this world. It helps us know ourselves more intimately and provides a limitless method of revealing that knowledge. Music gives us an outlet to rejoice and transcend; to express ourselves and better understand others; to grieve fully over tragedy and to express ecstasy amidst triumph and everything in between. Music helps us relax into our own life and know we belong there.
Plus, it is a lot of fun.
Join us on this journey. Sign up for lessons. It's All About the Music currently features instruction in guitar, piano and violin. Guitar repair is available through Shawn Lenning's company Riffs and Repairs, and services are expanding to allow audio recording of students and others in the community.